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Contemporary Dance and Floorwork for Beginners

John Rohrer
Course Description

Get ready to try new things, get strong, and have fun. Class involves a warm up, improvisation, strength and conditioning, across the floor, technique and combinations. Dancers will enhance their strength, coordination, flexibility and creativity while moving through the space and up and down from the floor. We cover the basics of floor work and inversions. We will find connection to our own body, the space around us, and each other. People from all backgrounds and levels of prior dance experience are welcome.

Other relevant information for the participants: Long sleeve clothing is recommended. Barefoot or socks can be worn, no shoes. Kneepads optional.

Course Dates
WEDNESDAY, 18.00-19.00

Jenna Berlyn 

+49 151 41264935

WhatsApp group:

Course Facts

Price of the class: 5-20 Euro (sliding scale depending on what you can afford)

Sign up in advance here

Which level is the course for: Beginner adults

In which language is the course: English